BACON-PIG Meeting of January 19, 2009

Coordinates:NASA/Goddard Visitor Center, Monday, January 19, 2009, 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Preparation:There was a moment of trepidation when the small presentation screen refused to cooperate, but the larger presentation screen turned out to be more obliging, so we quickly re-arranged the chairs and Barry held forth ...
What's new in Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.0:
 Barry Warsaw presented his summary of the most important new features in the latest Python releases. Barry originally prepared these slides for an internal Canonical meeting, and has now released them on his own site. There was a good amount of discussion about which features might be useful in various contexts.
Post-meeting sushi outing:
 The discussion was expanded and rounded out over a beautiful platter of sushi at the Osaka restaurant.

Please see the bacon-pig list for discussion of our next meeting date.

-- Steve Waterbury